Hong Kong Strategy for Financial Literacy 2015

Launched on 27 November 2015, the Hong Kong Strategy for Financial Literacy 2015 (HKSFL), the first of its kind in Hong Kong, has made some milestone developments that laid the foundation for a territory-wide approach to address the financial education needs of Hong Kong. Established with the objective of improving the financial literacy of Hong Kong people, the HKSFL sought to set common goals among stakeholders in the community and promote cross-sector collaboration in the delivery of financial education initiatives. Through better coordination and collective efforts, it was aimed to achieve synergy and maximise resources so that the effectiveness of education initiatives provided by different stakeholders can be extended and enhanced.

The IFEC led and coordinated the HKSFL as the Secretariat. The vision, goals and strategic focuses are pronounced and endorsed by stakeholders from the government, finance, education and community sectors. Many of them joined as the Supporting Organisations of the HKSFL.

HKSFL concluded in November 2018. The progresses made and how the work under the HKSFL have achieved the strategic focuses over the 2015-18 period are reviewed in the Hong Kong Strategy for Financial Literacy 2015-2018 Review Report.